Who Are We?
The Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO) is a network of small-scale fisherfolk and their organisations, operating in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The network is committed to the realization of profitable and sustainable fisheries (that are mainly owned and governed by fisherfolk), which:
- promote effective ecosystem based management of fisheries resources,
- secure livelihoods,
- contribute to food security for Caribbean communities and
- increase their resilience to risk including climate change.

CNFO endeavours to contribute to participatory fisheries governance and sustainable fisheries development, within:
- the framework of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF),
- International Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), and
- the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP).