
Resources made accessible for the development of local fisheries industries as well as human and institutional capacities of organisationsR

Made available to FisherFolk organisations and their allies to be used as evidence for policy advocacy and decision making.

Technical Expertise
Expertise to assist PFOs, NFOs, CNFO and small scale fisheries enterprises to implement the current advocacy plan.
More Information
For further information, see “Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations (CNFO) Advocacy Strategy and Plan for Fisherfolk’s Positions on Critical Issues concerning the Implementation of Regional Fisheries Policies in the Caribbean”. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2013 / 06, Roopchand, A. Z. 2013. The specific reference to these ways of contributing are captured in Strategic Goal 2: Mobilise resources for the implementation of the policies at national and regional levels.
Contact us and Contribute!:
Mr. Mitchell Lay-Coordinator of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organization, Coordinating Unit (CNFO-CU)
Joslyn Lee Quay- Deputy Coordinator of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations (CNFO)
Ms. Nadine Nembhard- Executive Secretary of the Belize Fishermen Cooperative Association.
Contact us and Contribute

Mitchell Lay
Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda Fishers Alliance
- 268 784- 4690

Joslyn Lee Quay
Trinidad and Tobago
Executive Member of Trinidad and Tobago United Fisherfolk (TTUF)
Deputy Coordinator of the CNFO
- 868 374-7520

Nadine Nembhard
Executive Secretary of the Belize Fishermen Cooperative Association.