The CNFO/CRFM Small-Scale Fisheries Action Plan is the output from an initiative by the CRFM and CNFO to devise an action plan to address the challenges and seize the opportunities to make a significant contribution to the CARICOM Heads of Government commitment to reducing the Region’s large food import bill by 25% by 2025. The Small-Scale Fisheries Action Plan was devised by two teams, comprised of the Executive members, Programme Coordinator and Administrative Officer of the CNFO as well as the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director (DED) and Programme Managers of the CRFM Secretariat, who used their knowledge and experience of Caribbean small-scale fisheries to identify the issues and the solutions for significantly increasing fisheries production as well as to pursue market driven value addition.
CNFO/CRFM Small-Scale Fisheries Action Plan: 2023-2025